Saturday, January 1, 2011

Drumstick Vegetable Health Benefits

Drumstick Vegetable

Drumstick tree called the "Power house of minerals" is the most common tree in India. Its leaves,fruits, flowers, barks and seeds have medicinal values and are used in various manners in all dishes. Invaluable in preventing cardiac diseases; researchers have stated that the nutritional value of the leaves is equivalent to 7 times the Vitamin C in oranges plus 4 times the calcium in milk plus 3 times potassium in bananas plus 2 times the protein in milk plus 4 times the vitamin A in Carrot. We were amazed to read it.

Drumstick Vegetable – What are Drumstick Health Benefits? | Health Benefits Of Drumstick | Nutrition Values Of Drumstick Vegetable
The drumstick is a fairly common vegetable grown all over India and Pakistan. It is valued mainly for the tender pod. It is antibacterial and a wonderful cleanser. The drumstick tree is perennial, erect, slender, medium sized with many arching branches. It is mostly grown as a backyard tree in most of the South Indian homes. It has drumstick like fruits, small white flowers and small and round leaves which are cooked and eaten as vegetable. Nutritionally, drumstick pods and leaves are of great value as sources of acrotene, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C. The leaves, flowers and fruits of drumstick which are used as vegetable have great nutritional value. The tender fruit is used in samber and most dishes in South Indian homes. The leaves and flowers are used to prepare curry and cake.

Juice of Drum stick when mixed in milk and offered to children greatly helps by strengthening their bones as it is said to be a great source of Calcium. Also drumstick is said to be a great blood purifier. Pregnant women should often eat drumsticks as it helps ease any kind of pre and post delivery complication. Drumstick soup helps ease any kind of chest congestions, coughs and sore throats. Inhaling steam of water in which drumsticks have been boiled helps ease asthma and other lung problem.
The leaves are rich in Vitamins A and C and are considered useful in catarrhal affections. The pods made into a soup are prescribed as a diet in sub-acute cases of enlarged liver and spleen, articular pains, tetanus, debility of nerves, paralysis, pustules, patches and leprosy. A curry made from unripe pods is effective for keeping intestinal worms at bay.
Drumstick is generally included in sambar or kurma. For a different recipe, add it your soup to give it a very oriental taste.

Drumstick leaves can be given to infants and growing children and serve as a good tonic. However it may be difficult for children to eat them naturally, as they are bitter. So the best way to give them to infants would be to extract the juice from these leaves, filter it and mix them with milk before being given to them. However older children can be given the fruit and leaves in the form of curries and other preparations like the South Indian Sambar or mixed and cooked with pulses. They help build healthy and strong bones and also help to purify the blood stream. Pregnant and lactating mothers can benefit a lot from the health benefits of drumstick leaves and fruit. Drumstick leaves is an ideal tonic for pregnant and lactating mothers and provide them with the calcium, iron and vitamins that help to reduce the sluggishness of the uterus and help have a safe and easy delivery.
Seven times more vitamin C than oranges to fight many illnesses including cold and flu. Four times more vitamin A than carrots to protect against eye disease, skin disease, and heart disease. Four times more calcium than milk to build strong bones and teeth. Three times more potassium than bananas essential for the functioning of the brain and nerves.Nearly 2 times the protein in milk and almost equal amounts of proteins as in eggs basic building blocks of all our body cells.The bark contains a gum that is used as a seasoning and a treatment for some stomach ailments.The seed is often used to purify dirty or cloudy drinking water. It is pounded into small fragments, wrapped in some sort or cloth, and then placed into water jars or containers.This pounded seed acts as flocculent, taking impurities out of water solution.

Drumstick Vegetable Health Benefits:
1.Finally drumstick juice greatly adds to the glow on one’s face. Make a mixture of drumstick and limejuice and dab it on your face. You will find your face glowing greatly.
2.Inhaling steam of water in which drumsticks have been boiled helpourcs ease asthma and other lung problem.
3.Drumstick soup helps ease any kind of chest congestions, coughs and sore throats.
4.Pregnant women should often eat drumsticks as it helps ease any kind of pre and post delivery complication.
5.Juice of Drum stick when mixed in milk and offered to children greatly helps by strengthening their bones as it is said to be a great se of Calcium. Also drumstick is said to be a great blood purifier. 


  1. There are many health benefits of vegetables. Vegetables gives protection against heart disease, heart blood pressure, cancer, eye disease, and some other disease. Vegetable is must needed thing for grow vitamins, calcium, minerals, potassium, and some other too. I have seen Malaysia and i am feeling happy after read this article.
    mutant mass
